Over the course of the next six years, Kentucky hopes to have 60% of its total population hold a bachelor’s degree. This goal aims to take advantage of the numerous benefits of higher education.
Progress Towards the Goal
For example, holding a bachelor’s degree leads to greater financial security. In Kentucky, individuals with a bachelor’s degree will earn roughly $1 million more than individuals with a high school diploma over the course of a lifetime. Additionally, ten years after graduation, Kentuckians with a bachelor’s degree have a median earning of $52,000, as opposed to a median earning of $30,000 for individuals with a high school diploma.
Higher education also inspires greater workforce participation. 93% of Kentuckians with a bachelor’s degree participate in the workforce, whereas 77% of Kentuckians with a high school diploma participate in the workforce.
Clearly, higher education matters, and this is why Kentucky is striving to support students in obtaining degrees. Kentucky has already seen progress toward its goal. Over the past five years, Kentucky has increased overall degree completions, while also closing the completion gap by supporting underrepresented minority students in completing their degrees.
However, Kentucky has more work ahead. In 2021, Kentucky’s average baccalaureate degree attainment rate was 29%, which lags behind the national average of 37%. Certain key groups, such as adult learners, are facing declining undergraduate enrollment in Kentucky. These trends are concerning, but Kentuckians remain positive and dedicated to the goal.
Certain partnerships have sprung up with the intention of supporting students in higher education. The Kentucky Student Success Collaborative is a great example. Founded in 2021, the KYSSC has already made great strides. It has garnered $4 million in grants and investments over the course of two years. The KYSSC has built relationships with a variety of stakeholders, provides educational programs, and has developed 24 statewide recommendations that suggest improvements in key areas.
Kentucky is on the right path toward meeting its goal of student success, and organizations like the KYSSC are helping the state get there. Higher education can make a difference, and it will be exciting to see how Kentucky continues to support its students in their academic ventures.

Source: Kentucky Student Success Collaborative